Corona Virus Outbreak


As the leadership of the Gauteng District, we find it necessary to respond to the Corona Virus outbreak, and to give guidance on the way forward, as it pertains to our usual programmes.

The view from the General Superintendents, and consequently, from the Regional Directors across the Church is that  both International and local travel be suspended, until at least the end of April, with a view to curb the spreading of the pandemic.

Whilst the spread of infections to our country has been slow when compared to the countries in the Northern hemisphere, the fact is that it has arrived, and the number of positive cases has increased significantly, since the first case was reported just over a week ago.

The Government has declared Covid-19 pandemic as a National Disaster, and has given clear restrictions in the interest of minimising the spread of infection.

As per Romans 13, we subject to the governing authority and accordingly place the following on record:

  • Mass gatherings of more than 100 must be cancelled- this will include the planned Easter Weekend gatherings
  • Local transmission of the virus is now prevalent, and in response thereto, we encourage Pastors to apply wisdom in the normal programming of Services. Take notice of the guidance as given by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, as to persons that are more vulnerable to be infected, such as the aged, and children, babies, and apply wisdom in discouraging the vulnerable to attend services and group meetings during this time.
  • Spread the obvious message of hygiene, the washing of hands, avoiding of physical contact, such as shaking of hands, hugging etc.
  • We further request that you discourage your membership from non-essential travels for personal reasons
  • Zonal meetings/functions must be postponed
  • Desist from increasing anxiety and panic by spreading misinformation. Rather obtain credible news and information from the Department of Health via WhatsApp No#060 012 3456, type “HI” in the message block.


Psalms 20:7

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God


Blessings to you, and stay safe

DS Reverend Craig Brophy